Day 11: Our Current Staff

Day 11: Our Current Staff

Be strong in the Lord, and the strength of His might.”  Ephesians 6:10

We give thanks to you, Lord God, for the strength, power and might You so willingly give to us as we seek You.

Thank You for the individual time You have carved out for our staff each day, to seek Your Word and Your face for the wisdom needed for the operation of FBCN.   Thank You for helping this time be precious as You minister to each one.  May they also  be strengthened in their family time together.  Father, thank You for showing them the way they should go each day, each plan of action to bring You glory.  May their stamina and energy increase with each new day, giving thanks for the work each does toward the goal of godliness and excellence in FBCN.  Thank You for each staff member.  May they be strengthened as they work hand in hand, blessing and abiding with You.  May each staff member see new strengths in the other, communicating appreciation and joy as they are able to work together toward their common goal to not only “keep it together” but to make FBCN stronger in You, Jesus.  May Your holy Name be praised!

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