

Have you ever felt the desire in your heart to go on a mission trip to help spread the Good News? First Baptist Newnan commissions numerous trips each year to accomplish that very goal. There are opportunities to serve locally, nationally and internationally. Please contact a member of the Missions Committee for answers to all your questions.

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Mission Friends

Wednesday 6:15pm

Mission Friends is the mission organization for preschool children who are 3, 4, and 5 years of age. The preschool children become aware of God’s love and learn that others need to hear about this good news! They are involved in learning, praying, giving and doing missions. They learn simple Bible verses and engage in fun and creative activities about missionaries throughout the world. The preschool children are frequently involved in hearing real missionaries and participating in mission projects such as collecting supplies for Christmas shoe-boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Come join us for unforgettable opportunities on Wednesday evenings!

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Royal Ambassadors

Wednesday 6:15pm | 225B, 224B and 302A

Royal Ambassadors is a Bible-centered, church-based, Southern Baptist, mission education organization for boys in grades 1-5. A Royal Ambassador is committed to living out the RA Pledge. This pledge is part of personal and chapter (group of RAs) accountability.

The RA Motto, “We are Ambassadors for Christ,” not only gives the organization its name, but also gives the boys and leaders a lifestyle goal. RA’s will be doing missions projects, camp outs, and racer competitions throughout the year.

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Wednesday 6:15pm

“And you, like the lamp, must shed light among your fellows, so that, when they see the good you do, they may give praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Acteens is our Mission Organization for preteen and teenage girls in 6th-8th grades with plans to include high school girls interested in Missions. The girls participate in Mission Study and Mission Action each Wednesday as they meet from 6:15 to 7:00. They learn about missionaries and experience mission opportunities through studying, praying, giving, and memorizing scriptures. The girls are actively involved in missions in many different ways.

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Girls In Action

Wednesday 6:15pm

Girls in Action, for girls in 1st-5th grades, meet each Wednesday to pray for missions, engage in mission actions and learn about missions. The girls grow in their knowledge and understanding and application of Bible scriptures. They experience hands-on mission activities through hearing real missionaries such as missionaries serving in Galati, Romania. Girls have participated in many mission activities such as walking to the fire station and praying with five of Newnan’s firefighters and assisting local families and children with food and school supplies. In November they will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. By hearing about missionaries and mission needs in many different places, the girls discover that God’s mission is worldwide. By doing missions, they learn their responsibility to change the world through our G.A Scripture Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord. Worship Him. Tell the nations what He has done. Announce how honored He is.” Isaiah 12:4.

See www.gapassport.com for information for leaders, parents, and girls for mission information and creative activities.

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