Day 16 – Be a Peacemaker

Read Matthew 5:9

The peacemakers are blessed, for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9 (HCSB)

We see so much unrest in our world even to the point of conflict. When conflict erupts, hate wins. Sides are drawn and people are placed into two or more groups. When conflict permeates a society, trust is broken and lives are affected for years.

In the church today we see the same thing; people chose sides and conflict impacts the church. When conflict happens inside the church, Satan is the only winner. Most church conflict has little to do with biblical issues and more to do with individual choices.

Jesus teaches us that peacemakers are needed. Those with the gift of peacemaking find ways to squish conflict and help the church find peace. The actions of a few can cause the church to lose its witness in the community. Conflict in churches divides family, friends, and neighborhoods. Conflict brings bondage, but peace gives freedom.

For a church to find revitalization there must be peace in the body. We must find ways to broker peace in the body.


Is there conflict in your church? Ask God to help you identify ways for you to become a peacemaker in your church.

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