Family Resources
Family experience
The Family Experiences gives parents a plan to pass down your faith to your children and students through intentional age and grade-based experiences ranging from birth to 12th Grade.
We know through research and the Bible that parents carry the primary responsibility and the most spiritual influence in the lives of their children and students. Because of this reality and truth, we want to equip and resource parents and grandparents with these Family Experiences as we partner together (church and home) to win the next generation to Christ and to see them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
These Family Experiences are going to do several things:
- They will build a bridge of communication with your children and/or students
- They will help you as a parent learn and re-connect with where your child and/or students are in their season of life
- They will provide the resources and tools to help you have a strategic and intentional plan to pass down your faith to your children and/or students
- They will serve as a catalyst toward spiritual maturity in the life of your children and/or students

After viewing the video and understanding the what and the why behind participating in these Family Experiences there are some next steps that we would like for you to take:
If you decide to participate in the Family Experiences with your children and/or students, please contact us to let us know so that we can be specifically praying for you and your family. If you have any questions, please let us know those as well. You can contact either our Children’s Director Ashlee Grace Chitwood or our Student Minister Rich Douglas or our Education/Young Adult & Their Families Minister Eric Marston.
If you are ready to jump in and plan a Family Experience, click on the age and/or appropriate grade below. View the Videos, download the Kickstarter, Parent’s Guide, Development Guide and begin the process. These are more simple than it may look so don’t let it overwhelm you. We are here to help.
Also, make sure to pray before you begin planning your Family Experiences. Pray that the Family Experiences you are about to learn about and potentially do will be used to have a great impact on the spiritual growth of your children and/or students. God will bless your efforts, and we are excited about the spiritual growth in the lives of your children and/or students as we partner together to reach the next generation for Jesus Christ!
Monthly Parenting Lesson
Parenting Class, Tools and Book Reviews – Every month we want to share with you resources to help encourage you, inspire you and partner with you as a church on this most amazing and even at times difficult journey we all call parenting. In this section of resources below we will share a 2-3 minute monthly parenting video, a toolbox of resources for parents beyond the yearly Family Experiences (offered on our website) and periodic parenting book reviews for the busy parents who may not have enough time to read an entire parenting book. As a parent, God has given to us a great calling and opportunity to leave a spiritual legacy in the life of our children, and as a church, we want to journey alongside you providing you tools and resources to make the greatest impact we possibly can together. We want to pray for you, encourage you and inspire you in this journey of making disciples in your home. So God bless you as we partner together!

Two Simple Steps To Parenting With Purpose

Toolbox resource