The AO House

What is the AO House

The Alpha Omega Mission Center ( AO House) is a ministry of First Baptist Church, Newnan and the Western Baptist Association.

The hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday
from 9:00am until 11:00am.

The Center’s purpose is to show God’s love to those in our community who are in need. The goal is to help them through difficult times by providing food and clothing. Lastly, they are told of God’s everlasting gift – Jesus Christ.

Guidelines For Donations?

  • Clothing needs to be clean and usable.
  • Food items need to be given before the expiration date.
  • For all other items (furniture, etc.) please call the church office or A O Center during hours.
  • Please…food and clothing only…unless arrangements are made in advance.

How Can I Help The Mission Center?

  • Pray…for God’s will in this work. Pray that all workers will submit to God’s leadership.
  • Work…Most workers give one day per week for three hours. All workers are volunteers.
  • Give…food, clothing, or your time. Bring food with you when you attend church at FBC. Drop boxes are located throughout First Baptist. Bring clothes Monday – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – Noon …monetary gifts to the benevolence offering which goes to many areas – one of which is the A O Mission Center.
food banks

What are the Center’s needs?

Daily Volunteers – once a week or once or twice a month for 3 hours. We really need a few men!

Food Items – non perishables, canned meats are always needed. Freezer items can also be used. For storage we have two refrigerators and one freezer. We do accept processed and wrapped venison. The cost to process the meat is tax deductible. The processor must complete a small form. These are available in the First Baptist office.

food bank

This Institution Is An Equal Opportunity Provider.

Please call 770-683-6477 if you have questionsabout the AO House or if you’d like to volunteer.

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